I’m delighted to announce the dates and guest speakers for St B’s 2025 Church Weekend- please make sure you save the date in your diaries - 17-19 October 2025. We will be joined by Steve and Esther Uppal, authors of ‘Revival Ready’ and senior leaders of All Nations Church, Wolverhampton and of the All Nations Movement, a growing family of churches and movements committed to make disciples, plant churches and prepare for revival.
The weekend will be an opportunity to connect with others, and ready ourselves for all that God has for us, as we prepare ourselves to get Revival Ready! With kids’ and teens meetings, and opportunities to connect, eat and fellowship together this is going to be an unmissable weekend for us all.
For now, simply two things:
Save the date and reschedule any other activities in your diaries, or those of your kids and teens during 17-19 October 25
Prepare for the weekend by praying - come Holy Spirit and ready your people St B’s to glorify God in the ‘Church’s finest hour’.