Growing and Pioneering (GaP) exists to inspire, equip & resource St Bs' members to grow & pioneer locally & globally across the gaps
We do this in the following ways:

Resourcing you to intercede for unreached people groups locally & globally:
We provide relevant prayer information
We hold prayer meetings in-person and online
Resourcing you to walk alongside others as they serve Jesus across the gaps:
We supply prayer updates for our Pioneers, who we have sent out to serve the Lord across the gaps in other parts of the UK and the world
We organise opportunities to hear from our Pioneers and pray for them
We can equip you with training, support and accountability as you walk alongside our Pioneers

Equipping you to connect & build deeper relationships interculturally:
We offer basic intercultural training to help you gain a deeper understanding of culture and worldview
We can point you to resources for learning more about a specific culture or faith group
We can walk alongside you as you begin to connect and build authentic intercultural relationships
We can journey with those of you who are interested in exploring possible opportunities for learning and growing on a placement in another culture

Training you to share the gospel & make missional disciples across different cultures & faith backgrounds:
We offer sessions to equip you in sharing the gospel and witnessing across cultures and other faith groups
We can connect you to a group with whom you can pray and share your experiences as you put into practise what you have learnt
We walk alongside those of you who would like to go on a short-term trip or explore a long-term call to serve the Lord across the gaps locally or globally

Inspiring, coaching & journeying with missional leaders & groups to enable something new in these spaces:
We inspire you in how God is at work locally and globally
We walk alongside newly formed groups that are reaching out across the gaps
We offer bespoke training, advice, coaching and mentoring
​We journey with our Pioneers that are serving the Lord across the gaps in unreached spaces in the UK and world
Join the GaP weekly mailing list for prayer updates & information about our gatherings & training
Pray for unreached people groups locally & globally
Partner with a Pioneer through prayer, encouragement & financial support
Explore a long-term calling with us to serve the Lord across the gaps locally or globally
Investigate opportunities for going on a short-term trip

Attend  one of our gatherings, prayer meetings or equipping sessions:
Key decisions related to the GaP ministry are made by the GaP core team, which we are looking to grow in the future:

Linda Perkins
Claire Franks
Fiona Rasmussen
Emma Bellerby
GaP Member Care Pastor
GaP Pastor
PCC rep for GaP
GaP Administrator & Treasurer
Contact us
020 8343 5785