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At St Barnabas we believe that God calls us to join in with what He is doing by giving. And that this is a joy!
The bible encourages us that giving should be done regularly, faithfully and generously. We think that practically happens when we plan our giving and commit to it.
"Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." (2 Corinthians 9:7)

Sun 16 March
Church planting is an exciting and significant part of our vision as a "Resource Church." Church planting is recognised as one of the most effective ways to see people become Christians, and to grow in their faith. We want to continue to put aside funds so that we can respond to opportunities for future church planting as they arise. Please would you think and pray about how much to give our "Church Planting" Offering starting on Sunday 16 March. In faith, we would love to raise a total of £30,000. Please give generously in addition to your regular offerings. Thank you so much for investing in the Gospel, which will help more people of North London to encounter Jesus, become like him, and change the world

To give scan the QR code or click the button
Walking to St BarnabasWalking to church is great for you and great for the environment: Save money No hassle finding somewhere to park Good exercise Fresh air For short journeys it can actually be quicker It’s fun! Here are some ideas to help you enjoy your walk to St Barnabas: Plan your route using Vary your route to make it more interesting Buddy up with someone else coming from the same area Listen to some great music, or an inspiring podcast Say ‘good morning’ to your fellow walkers Enjoy the cold! Wrap up warm and beat winter Inspired to walk more? For information about great local walking groups see Barnet Health Walks Check out Living Streets - The UK charity for everyday walking
Travelling by busThere are a good range of bus services within a 10/12 minute walk of St Barnabas, and in particular along the High Road and at North Finchley bus interchange, which together have over 46 services per hour on a weekday and around 35 services per hour on a Sunday. TFL journey planner These two bus maps show all the bus routes from Woodside Park and North Finchley. Buses from Woodside Park Buses from North Finchley The closest bus stops to St Barnabas are at Finchley Park (southbound, 60m from St Barnabas; northbound 150m from St Barnabas), serving bus routes 125 and 263. North Finchley Bus Interchange is located 0.4 miles from St Barnabas (9 minute walk) and serves bus routes 134, 221 and 460. The closest bus stop for the 383 is at Woodside Park Station, 0.5 miles (12 minute walk) from St Barnabas. Free and discounted travel You may be eligible for free or discounted travel if you are over 60, a veteran, a student or apprentice, or on benefits. For more information click here.
Travelling by undergroundWoodside Park station is just 0.5 miles from St Barnabas – a 12 minute walk. Click here for directions. The station is on the High Barnet branch of the Northern line, between West Finchley and Totteridge and Whetstone stations, and in Travelcard Zone 4. There are 18-20 trains per hour in each direction. There is step-free access to the platform although step-free access to the northbound platform is only from the Holden Road side (and access to the southbound platform from the Woodside Park Road side) Useful links TFL journey planner Tube map Free and discounted travel You may be eligible for free or discounted travel if you are over 60, a veteran, a student or apprentice, on benefits, have an annual gold card or have a discount railcard. For more information click here.
Cycling to St BarnabasHave you considered cycling to church? We have secure cycle stands in the basement car park – please contact the office to obtain the code to access them You can pick up local cycling maps from our connect point, showing cycle routes that have been recommended by experienced cyclists. Why not join our bicycle user group to share tips, or to find a buddy coming from the same area? Contact the office for information. We also have a group (of mostly young adults) called Lighthouse Cycling who do regular cycle trips around the local area and beyond. For more information contact the office Need some training? Bikeability has links to a number of providers of cycle training within Barnet, for both kids and adults. Look at the options here. Got a puncture? We have a puncture repair kit available at church. Or if your bike needs repair, try one of these local bike repair shops! The Cycle Store, 201 Woodhouse Rd, London N12 9AY Bike & Run, 128 High Rd, East Finchley, London N2 9ED Getting into cycling? Why not join a local bicycle user group such as Barnet Cyclists Bike Week! Bike Week happens in June each year and there are lots of events around London and Hertfordshire.
Traveling by carParking on Sundays and for other large events Please keep it green - consider walking, cycling or using public transport. Onsite parking available (first-come-first-served) via rear car park entrance on Highwood Avenue (N12 8QP) 9.30am comers, please park in the basement, and 11.30am comers, please park above (keep right after the gates). This will help avoid traffic jams between the services! If the car park is full, please park in one of the local car parks, many of which are free on Sundays. Please do not park in surrounding roads to be considerate to our neighbours. Alternatively, there are may car parks locally - see below. Woodside Park Station141 spaces - £2* - 12 min walk Lodge Lane - 232 spaces - free - 5 min walk Stanhope Road - 52 spaces - free - 7 min walk Stanhope Road - 32 spaces - free - 7 min walk Stanhope Road - 32 spaces - free - 8 min walk Castle Road - 50 spaces - free - 10 min walk Woodhouse Road - 11 spaces - free - 13 min walk * cashless payment on Sundays No-Parking zone We have agreed a no-parking zone in surrounding roads in order to be a good neighbour. Please do not park in the roads shown on the map. Parking for Mid-week meetings Parking is available at St Barnabas for a small number of cars. The entrance is on Highwood Avenue. Ask your group leader for the code to the car park (which will not work on Sundays). You can park either outside or carry on down the ramp into the basement (same code). There is an entrance into the church from the basement, with a lift to the ground and 1st floors.
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