Life Groups are a great way to meet people and grow together in life with God. Small groups of church members meet regularly (some are online but most are in person) to read the bible together and pray for each other. Where possible groups share a meal. These connections are brilliant at enabling us to support and encourage each other in our walk with Jesus.
Joining the Life Group is the best way of getting involved in the life of the church!
If you would like to join, complete a connect form.

New groups are starting all the time, and maybe you could start one? Don't worry, most of the best things start small.
Starting a Life Group
Find two or more friends – they could be friends in your neighbourhood or people from your regular service or Alpha small group.
Register your group so we can stay in touch with you. Dudley our Curate provides support to Life Group leaders, so he will start talking to you about your group.
Decide when and where you'll meet, and how regularly (once per week is best).