Welcome to the North London Myriad Hub
Launched in January 2025, the North London Myriad Hub is a brilliant opportunity for people who are feeling called and inspired by God to plant, lead and develop new worshipping communities.
A partnership between Myriad, part of the Gregory Centre for Church Multiplication (CCX), St Barnabas and Oakleigh Community Church – we host a learning community to equip lay church planters in North London and the surrounding area.
Over two and half years, the hub will provide you with a range of key tools to accompany you and your teams as you journey with us and seek to plant, establish and grow communities of faith in your local area.
Each lay planter will be supported by an oversight minister. This will usually be the recognised leader of your sending church (ordained if within the Church of England).

Andy Gliddon & Seb Cummings
North London Myriad Hub Leaders
Who is the hub aimed at?
"Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin..." Zechariah 4:10 (NLT)
It is a place for anyone who feels called to start a new church community as part of the life of their church but isn’t ordained. You may not yet have worked out what it looks like and would benefit from gathering with other like-minded people to discover how to go about it. Or you may have recently started a new church community, say in the last 12 months, and find that you need training and support. All we ask is that if you decide to explore this further, your application is supported by your vicar or the leader of your sending church.
When will the hub run?
The North London Hub dates meeting at St Barnabas North London are: •11-12 July 2025 •30-31 Jan 2026 •10-11 July 2026 •22-23 Jan 2027 (the precise format and timings of the weekend will be confirmed in due course – but the framework is Friday evening/Saturday daytime). Each gathering will include eating together, worship, input, reflection and team time; reflecting on the input and working together discussing plans for your new church community. There will also be space for social time and the development of relationships. Plus, a full day's learning programme, ending the time together in prayer.
Next North London Hub: 11th - 12th July 25
18:30 - Registration
19:00 - Welcome Meal
20:00 - First Session
21:45 - Close
9:00 - Welcome and Regathering
12:30 - Lunch
16:00 - Close
What will the hub offer?
Our aim is to provide a safe space where you can grow and develop as a team. We want to provide you and your team with some useful tools you need to form new worshipping communities. The hub learning pathway is based on five themes: * vision and discernment; * leading and teams; * formation and core practices; * planting and discipling * growth and multiplication. This programme is designed to be efficient and effective alongside your church and a busy London life. Over the two and half years, we anticipate each six months will include: 1. attendance at one gathering (1 evening, 1 day) 2. engaging with online learning (8-12hrs) 3. having mentoring meetings (each session is 60-90 mins online) There will also be some additional preparatory activities such as safeguarding training and online induction.
What will it cost?
Myriad, St Barnabas and Oakleigh are committed to providing this as a launchpad for what God will do through you. And so we’re investing in it. We do also ask that each individual and each sending church make a small contribution to the costs of the gatherings. This cost covers the whole journey (two and a half years). individual cost: £150 per person and church cost: £300 per team
How can I find out more and sign up?
Our application process is now open and we would love to talk to you if you're thinking of starting a new church community. The Myriad Learning Community could be just the place for you. Please do get in touch.
You can contact us for more information on myriad@stbanabas.co.uk
Messages of support
"I am absolutely thrilled that St Barnabas is hosting a Myriad Hub which will provide an invaluable resource to anyone who has a heart to plant and establish a new church community. The Hub offers lay church planters the unique opportunity to journey together on a learning pathway designed to equip planters with the tools needed. This extraordinary resource, being offered to anyone across parishes and worshipping communities, from every tradition and background, will help people to network, train and develop lay ministers that will play a vital role in our mission to grow the church. With Myriad’s experience in nurturing missional growth I would encourage you to join this hub if you feel called in any way to plant a church." The Rt Revd Dr Ric Thorpe The Bishop of Islington

“I am delighted to commend Myriad North London at St Barnabas. Here is a safe and structured way with a clear pathway to encourage the whole people of God to exercise the ministry that flows from our commitment to Jesus Christ at our baptism. Myriad North London is committed to inspiring leaders for the future and is the outworking out of deep desire to be disciples of Jesus Christ who in turn disciple others in His name.... A wonderful resourcing tool arising from a partnership between the Gregory Centre for Church Multiplication (CCX), St Barnabas and Oakleigh Community Church. Equipping the whole people of God to serve this great city is deep in the heart and DNA of these two churches and builds on experience and a proven track record that is seeing lives transformed by Jesus through his Spirit to the glory of God.” The Ven John Hawkins Archdeacon of Hampstead