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World Mission Focus 3 July 2022


R and S

R and S are evangelists who live in XYZ. They have two adult sons, T and J. R and S are continuing to distribute Bibles to the local villages. Their son, T, his wife, C, and two grandchildren will be joining them in August; their 3 year work permit has come through and after lots of delays the Lord has finally made it possible.

Unfortunately, R and S are affected by the terrible drought situation in East Africa where they live in XYZ: cattle are dying around them. It’s the worst drought in the region in 40 years and emergency food aid is greatly needed.

Give thanks:

  • That T and his family are now able to join them in XYZ

  • That so many in XYZ are open to reading the Bible For God’s care and kindness to them in XYZ – they have now spent 33 years there!

Please pray:

  • That T and C would settle quickly into their new life and the children get used to their new school

  • For everyone affected by the drought

  • For a peaceful election in XYZ in August and that the Lord’s will be done in the electing of a new president

CS and HS

CS and HS are based in ABC. CS is involved in various education projects in ABC, working with the Government on emergency education. He is also on the Trust Eldership of the base and hosts visitors and teams. HS supports women with their pregnancies and during birth, as well as cares for C, L and J. They are both involved in the leadership of DEF Church.

CS and HS have felt God speak to them about being planted and more focused, so they stepped down as deacons at DEF Church. The church has new leaders and a lot of restructuring is currently taking place. Secondly, C has started school instead of home schooling which thankfully has been positive. CS is busy leading various educational projects (including training up new school support) while HS has been discipling teenagers in a local high school.

Give thanks:

  • That C is settling well into school and L scored high marks on a recent test For the visit from M and S;

  • their help and support For the successful school leadership courses C has run recently

Please pray:

  • For God’s financial provision as their regular support levels do not cover their living and ministry costs

  • For the right home loan/mortgage option to purchase a family home for long-term stability For HS continued mental health

Support and/or pray for R & S or CS & HS: Email to find out how you can support them or receive their prayer letters


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